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罗马帝国 (拉丁语:Imperium Rōmānum) vs 元老院与罗马人民(SPQR)

发表于 2018-5-26 06:00 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
“元老院与罗马人民”(拉丁语:Senātus Populusque Rōmānus 或其缩写形式)被紋飾在罗马軍團的鹰旗上以及古罗马很多公共建筑之上。时至今日,当今罗马市的城徽、市政设施上,以及公用建筑物上都可以找到"SPQR"这个缩写词。(zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPQR)

The SPQR symbol was first used by the Roman Senate when the nation
changed into a republic sometime around 80 BCE., after the people
defeated the last Roman emperor Tarquin. In ancient Rome, this symbol
indicated the difference between the common man and the governing
authority of the senate, and was used as propaganda to promote the
senate. Both the people as well as the government had considerable
influence on different aspects of nation's progress. While common folk
had formed committees and had the power to influence local issues, the
senate had immense authority over the movements of armed forces and
diplomats. The sign reminded the people of the fact that they were a
part of a fledgling republic, and to be proud that, they were not
ruled by a monarch any more.

The emperor was considered as a representative of the people, even
though it was the emperor who decided all the decrees made by the

During Benito Mussolini's reign, the fascist dictator had several
public buildings, monuments, and manhole lids, inscribed with SPQR to
promote his dictatorship as the rise of a new Roman Empire.
 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-26 06:01 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2018-5-26 06:02 编辑

第一门的奥古斯都像(意大利語:Augusto di Prima Porta)是一尊罗马帝国的第一位皇帝奥古斯都的白色大理石雕像,高2.04米,完成于1世纪,1863年4月20日于罗马附近郊区第一门(Prima Porta)的莉薇娅别墅发现。奧古斯都的妻子莉薇娅在他去世后退隐到这座别墅。雕像现在收藏于梵蒂冈博物馆。


augusto c. 1 up.jpg (59.85 KB, 下载次数: 40)

augusto c. 1 up.jpg
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-26 06:04 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2018-5-26 06:08 编辑

大祭司奥古斯都 (Labicana路的奥古斯都雕像)

大祭司,或称为最高祭司(拉丁文Pontifex Maximus,字面意思是“最高的pontiff”)是古罗马Pontiff祭司团体(英文:College of Pontiffs)的最高阶祭司。这是古罗马宗教中最为重要的职位,开始只允许罗马贵族担任,直到公元前254年才出现第一位平民出身的大祭司。尽管在罗马共和国早期是严格意义上的宗教职位,它后来逐渐地政治化,直到奥古斯都最终将其职能归入帝位。(zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/大祭司(古罗马)


Augusto 19-8-2014 Roma museo Nazionale Romano.jpg (118.34 KB, 下载次数: 82)

Augusto 19-8-2014 Roma museo Nazionale Romano.jpg

DSC_2395.jpg (183.14 KB, 下载次数: 32)

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-6-6 08:18 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2018-6-6 08:20 编辑

“BIMILLENARIO DI TITO LIVIO” 邮票纪念 蒂托·李维(Titus Livius,前59年-17年)。他是古罗马著名的历史学家。他的巨著《羅馬史》(原名为Ab urbe condita libri,意为“从罗马建城开始”)。(zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/蒂托·李维)
邮票背景是 奥古斯都廣場的模型,在 Mercati di Traiano di Roma 考古复杂展览中展出。
奧古斯都在公元前42年菲律匹之役後發誓要興建一座神殿給戰神玛尔斯"Ultor"("復仇者"之義)。因為在此役中奧古斯都和安東尼打敗殺害凱撒的兇手而為凱撒的死報了仇。在只過了四十年後,這神殿在公元前2年正式啟用。同時也加入一個配合性的紀念廣場,即奧古斯都廣場(Foro di Augusto )。(zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/帝國議事廣場)
谢谢意大利极限会长 Rosario 助制极限和我的四月罗马之旅奥古斯都廣場与戰神殿的遗迹照片。

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Foro d'Augusto 21-6-2017 Spazio Filatelia Roma Inaugurazione.jpg (107.56 KB, 下载次数: 79)

Foro d'Augusto 21-6-2017 Spazio Filatelia Roma Inaugurazione.jpg
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